The San Francisco / Bay Area's Club for Stereo Photography Enthusiasts

GGSS at Maker Faire 2023

The Golden Gate Stereoscopic Society returns to Maker Faire Bay Area, October 13-15 2023.

  • Stunning stereo slideshows and 3-D videos on our spectacular 55” 3-D TV 
  • Camera demonstrations: Synchronize two or more cameras, or capture effective stereo photos with single-lens cameras and smartphones
  • Lenticular, anaglyph, and stereo card 3-D prints to enjoy
  • Giveaways – Oh Wow! cards, small foldable stereoscopes with original stereo photography by inventor and legacy GGSS member Jim Gasperini

Our last meetup was back in February, and we’d love to see you in person again. Invite friends & family and show them your own stereo photography on our 3-D screen. 

Maker Faire is also a unique photography subject, so bring your cameras!


Friday, October 13, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday, October 14, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 15, 10:00am – 6:00 pm


The historic Mare Island shipyard
560 Nimitz Avenue, Vallejo, CA


A one-day Maker Faire pass for adults is $39.99, and a single-day parking pass is $10.00 

Next Meeting

We meet the first and second Tuesday of each month on Zoom. All are welcome!

Date & Time

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 7:00pm – 9:00pm PT

Submission Deadline

Monday, March 31, 2025

Special Subject

Mergers – Exploit stereo photography’s ability to separate objects in z-space. For example, imagine a photo of a thicket of trees; only in stereo will that photo reveal each individual tree rather than a mess of branches.