The San Francisco / Bay Area's Club for Stereo Photography Enthusiasts

Our Position on Conversions

A 3-D revolution is underway. New AI-powered 2-D to 3-D photo conversion tools are widely available. Conversions made regular appearances at stereo club meetings in 2023. For the first time we have push-button tools that instantly create uncanny stereo versions of flat photos and videos. The results are imperfect, but very good.

It’s inevitable that AI conversions will influence the art of stereography. Mixed with newly-available autostereo screens, a new audience is experiencing stereo that’s fun to create and comfortable to view. Where does this disruptive technology have a place at the GGSS?

Conversions are welcome at Golden Gate Stereoscopic Society meetings. Photos will be tagged with a “native” or “conversion” suffix, and the source will be mentioned when the photo is exhibited. Conversions may be entered in any Open or Special exhibition.

At the same time, the Golden Gate Stereoscopic Society holds traditional stereography in high regard, and its members will continue to explore and expand this unique medium.

Next Meeting

We meet the first and second Tuesday of each month on Zoom. All are welcome!

Date & Time

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 7:00pm – 9:00pm PT

Submission Deadline

Monday, March 31, 2025

Special Subject

Mergers – Exploit stereo photography’s ability to separate objects in z-space. For example, imagine a photo of a thicket of trees; only in stereo will that photo reveal each individual tree rather than a mess of branches.