The San Francisco / Bay Area's Club for Stereo Photography Enthusiasts

Livestream GGSS Slideshows on the Lume Pad 2

The Lume Pad 2 can be used to view our livestreamed YouTube slideshows.  Follow these steps:

Open the GGSS channel on YouTube. Use your web browser to navigate to, or open the YouTube app on your tablet and find the channel.

Open the YouTube app in the “Google” collection, or use the link

In the GGSS YouTube channel, tap the “Live” tab (if not already selected), then tap the video to stream. The two videos in this example are older – you’ll select the video with the date of the meeting.

The GGSS YouTube channel on the Lume Pad 2

When the video is playing, tap the “Share” icon. A selection of icons will appear. Tap the “LeiaTube” icon.

To see the slideshow in 3-D, tap the “Share” icon, then the “LeiaTube” icon

LeiaTube will open and, after a few moments, play the video in 3-D. Note that the message ”Leia AI converting 2D video into 3D” is misleading. The Lume Pad 2 recognizes side-by-side videos and plays them correctly. No conversion is done on the GGSS YouTube livestream.

Leia’s solution for streaming YouTube videos in 3-D is kind of kludgy, because the original YouTube video will continue playing in the corner. Close the original video by tapping it, then tap the “X” to close it.

Close the YouTube video that’s playing on top of LeiaTube

Next Meeting

We meet the first and second Tuesday of each month on Zoom. All are welcome!

Date & Time

Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 7:00pm – 9:00pm PT

Submission Deadline

Monday, March 3, 2025

Special Subject

Retinal Rivalry – Take advantage of intentionally out-of-sync elements in a stereo photo for a creative result.