The Golden Gate Stereoscopic Society was founded as the Miniature Camera Club of Oakland by Edward H. Towler, organized June 26, 1934 at 8:00pm and incorporated by Assistant District Attorney Homer Buckley on September 28, 1936. The first meeting took place in Room 215, Insurance Building, 14th and Franklin Streets, Oakland.
In 1950, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were changed, and the club was named the Oakland Camera Club.
On June 30, 1958, the Oakland Camera Club Club had 269 members — the largest camera club in Northern California. By 1959 this had increased to 275 members.
Through most of its existence, the Oakland Camera Club served a wide range of photographers with a stereo division, a movie division, a color slide division, black & white and color divisions, and a school of photography.
By the early 2000’s, the stereo division had become a leading resource for Bay Area photographers who practice the art of 3-D. In 2018, our name was changed to the Golden Gate Stereoscopic Society to better describe our mission.