Groups.io (ex-Yahoo)
With Yahoo groups changing to a pure mailing list, many groups moved to Groups.io. There are (as of June 2020) 14 results for a search for stereoscopic Notable ones are Photo-3D, Sell-3D, Viewmaster, and Fuji3DSince it is against the rules to offer anything for sale in Photo-3D, you can use the group Sell-3D for selling.…
The Stereoscopic Society
The Stereoscopic Society was founded in 1893 Its membership has a long tradition of capturing the world stereoscopically in 3D using ready made cameras and self build equipment for over 125 years. Their interests lay across the full spectrum of activities from digitally produced Audiovisual shows to digital and film photography and making of traditional…
Muzeum Trójwymiaru
The Three-Dimensional Museum collects collections of objects, publications, images and texts related to three-dimensional imaging techniques, also called stereoscopic or 3D. The collection includes hundreds of various objects, from historic stereo cameras and stereoscopes from the mid-nineteenth century to modern digital cameras and displays.
Deo VR video/still player
Free VR player for all major platforms. Desktop Web browser also supported. Support for sbs images. I do not think the web version supports 3d displays or anaglyph. A new feature is Remote Control where a host can change the images or video that people are looking at, rather than them having to navigate. [related_posts_by_tax]
Stereopix is a platform to share stereoscopic (3D) photographs. Similar to stereophotomaker or Phereo pages, the images can be displayed in various formats, including support for 3D displaysWhile it is free, you need to be approved to sign up, and it does run on donations. Jack DesBwa is the creator behind this, and has become…
Ian Ference’s 3D blog on all things stereographic, from classic scopes & stereoviews to historical context & modern analysis Interesting long post on “May Day 2020: Berkshire Knitting Mills 1924: The Nazis of Reading, PA, in 3D”
Susan Pinsky & David Starkman
“We are a stereo pair who have been shooting 3-D photos and collecting 3-D items since 1976.” Flickr albums, extensive collection of photos, many with historical value They used to have an online store http://www.reel3d.com/ which is left up for reference.
3D Legends
Susan Pinsky’s site dedicated to people important to the world of stereoscopic imageryhttps://archivesusie3d.wixsite.com/3-dlegends
Jim McManus’s Life is 3D
He gave a presentation on converting 2d to 3d at the May 30, 2020 NYSA meeting. His website has some nice tutorials.
Ugo Capeto’s 3D Conversion and Paint
http://3dstereophoto.blogspot.com/ Automatic depth map generation, stereo matching, multi-view stereo, Structure from Motion (SfM), photogrammetry, 2d to 3d conversion, etc. Check the “3D Software” tab for my free 3d software. Turn photos into paintings like impasto oil paintings, cel shaded cartoons, or watercolors. Check the “Painting Software” tab for my image-based painting software. Stereophotomaker uses this…