The San Francisco / Bay Area's Club for Stereo Photography Enthusiasts

Tag: Group

  • German Society for Stereoscopy

    The German Society for Stereoscopy! The DGS has existed since 1928 and – as a non-profit association – promotes the dissemination and knowledge of three-dimensional images . The DGS with its approx. 450 members combines knowledge from all areas of stereoscopy, whether photo or video, analog or digital, whether printed stereo cards, red / cyan…

  • (ex-Yahoo)

    With Yahoo groups changing to a pure mailing list, many groups moved to There are (as of June 2020) 14 results for a search for stereoscopic Notable ones are Photo-3D, Sell-3D, Viewmaster, and Fuji3DSince it is against the rules to offer anything for sale in Photo-3D, you can use the group Sell-3D for selling.…

  • The Stereoscopic Society

    The Stereoscopic Society was founded in 1893 Its membership has a long tradition of capturing the world stereoscopically in 3D using ready made  cameras and self build equipment for over 125 years. Their interests lay across the full spectrum of activities from digitally produced Audiovisual shows to digital and film photography and making of traditional…

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The Golden Gate Stereoscopic Society connects stereo photographers in the East Bay and across the globe. Your donation keeps this all-volunteer, not-for-profit community active.